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federal elections

oil pipelines, TransCanada, Mulcair

Mulcair says flawed regulatory process hinders Energy East review process

NDP leader Thomas Mulcair gave a nuanced view onthe proposed Energy East pipeline debate while responding to reporters' questions in downtown Vancouver on Thursday.   Asked about his...

Harper's impeachment called for at rally to demand Tory accountability for robocall scandal

Hundreds gathered at the Vancouver Art Gallery yesterday and marched to Victory Square Park to protest the robocall voter fraud scandal perpetrated by the Harper government in the last election....

Candidate profile: Jennifer Clarke, Vancouver Centre, Conservative Party

DECISION 2011: The first time Jennifer Clarke ran for office, people told her not to be disappointed; nobody wins the first time out. Much to her surprise, she won.

Candidate profile: Adriane Carr, Vancouver Centre, Green Party

DECISION 2011: If an election could be won by sheer enthusiasm, Adriane Carr would have this one in the bag by now.

NDP under more scrutiny as it enters the big leagues

'Not the first time people have put a target on my back,' Layton says.

Sunday’s Almost-All-Candidates Meeting in the West End

The moderator explained that the missing candidate had a last-minute conflict. So they went on without her.

Coalition: the c-word in this year's Canadian election

It was an innocent enough question: why is Ignatieff so opposed to a coalition? The answer I got made me curious about what we mean when we talk about coalition here in Canada.

Time for a leader we can trust

DECISION 2011: May 2 will spell an end to a cynical, divisive government.