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In Victoria, Joint Review Panel hears criticism and complaints about proposed Enbridge Northern Gateway pipeline

Every one of the 24 speakers at the joint review panel hearings in Victoria were vehemently opposed to the pipeline.

Shell Canada withdraws from Sacred Headlands as government bans oil and gas development in the region

Shell Canada withdraws from Klappan region and government issues permanent ban on oil and gas development.

Bif Naked Forever

Bif Naked's just released "Forever: Acoustic Hits & Other Delights" and here, she talks with VO about her life, reflections and musical loves.
Grand Chief Stewart Phillip and his wife Joan

First Nations prepared to fight Harper government, Enbridge in international court

First Nations peoples from all over British Columbia gathered at the Vancouver Art gallery Sunday to protest bill C-45 and the Enbridge pipeline.

New e-book on Enbridge Northern Gateway proposal shines light on pipeline controversy

 First Nations promising to stand in front of the bulldozers to stop pipelines. Leaked government documents showing the unprecedented weakening of environmental laws in order to speed...

How Susan Rice stands to gain from Canada's oil sands development

Pegged to replace Hilary Clinton as President Obama's Secretary of State, Rice and her Canadian husband together hold millions in stocks of major energy companies.

BC pension fund invests in companies contributing to climate change

With time, even the Canadian government will see a price on carbon as more benign than paying the cost of climate change catastrophes.

No comment from premier as thousands protest pipelines, tankers at MLA offices across BC

BC Premier Christy Clark's Press Secretary said Clark had no comments for the protests planned across BC in front of MLA offices as part of the Defend Our Coast campaign.

First Nations lead the way in Victoria protest against pipelines and oil sands

First Nations leaders led the protests of 4,500 people in Victoria on Monday.

“You can’t drink the oil, you can’t eat the money”: First Nations women to the Nobel Women’s Initiative delegation

The Nobel Women's Initiative delegation was surprised to find that the federal government had called First Nation grandmothers "enemies of the state."