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Camp 'checkpoint' in the Bulkley Valley; Freda Huson

Unist'ot'en pipeline opponents rally in Vancouver

Downtown rally planned for Interior pipeline blockade.
Audrey Siegl addresses the Shell oil rig platform. Greenpeace photo

Local artist-activist confronts Shell Arctic drill rig off Vancouver Island

Swimmers also occupy the waters and Greenpeace vessel attempts to intercepts the Shell oil rig off the west coast of Vancouver Island.
shell oil, oil rig, seattle, activists, B.C., inside passage, alaska,

B.C. activists protest Shell oil drilling ship's movement through Inside Passage

Shell is transporting an oil−spill−containment vessel up B.C.’s coastline to Alaska, says Greenpeace

The Transformers overwhelms with excess, while On the Line takes on Northern Gateway

Mark Wahlberg thinks the new Transformers film will be the biggest of the year.

Beware the foreign radicals: Comedians poke fun at tar sands, oil spills and Canada

The evil foreign radicals opposing oil will use tactics such as "speaking" and "sign-making" to destroy Canada, according to a new parody video by comedian Rick Mercer.

The People's Summit urges leaders to act

Starting at noon on June 20th, the blocks on Main Street between 30th and 33rd will be closed off to traffic and the Vancouver Peoples’ Summit will begin. The event, in...