New e-book on Enbridge Northern Gateway proposal shines light on pipeline controversy
First Nations promising to stand in front of the bulldozers to stop pipelines. Leaked government documents showing the unprecedented weakening of environmental laws in order to speed up oil sands development. Thousands protesting across British Columbia.
There's a war underway for the soul of Canada, one that could intensify in coming years, and a story yet to be told in full until now with the publication of Extract.
With peak oil on the horizon and the world's second-largest proven oil reserves sitting in Alberta, Canada looks poised to become a major global oil exporter.
But getting that oil to global markets and accelerating the development of oil sands has potentially serious impacts on the environment and people's lives.
Extract is about more than just a pipeline. It's about politics, global energy demand, environment, climate and culture converging into a war of ideas.
The Vancouver Observer's award-winning reporting team spent hundreds of hours reporting on the pipeline issue, taking readers into the lives of those who stand to gain the most and lose the most from the proposed pipeline. Now this unique and powerful, fact-based coverage is available in a beautiful and compelling ebook.
Extract: The Pipeline Wars takes readers into First Nations' communities amid wild landscapes of Northern British Columbia; it navigates readers through the web of pipeline politics, through crowded streets filled with protesters, and behind closed doors at an oil and gas summit.
The issues in this book are not just about British Columbia, but global, and can apply to any community or nation struggling with the need for oil exports in the age of climate change.
“Extract: The Pipeline Wars aims to provide context to the story unfolding around oil sands development and the proposed pipelines in way that allows for deep reflection upon the hard choices at hand,” Vancouver Observer publisher and editor-in-chief Linda Solomon said.
Buy the book here, or contact [email protected] for more information.