Please help us reach our stretch goal in The Tar Sands Reporting Project Kickstarter campaign
2 days to the film. Join the crowd that makes it happen. Pledge now.
Please pledge and help The Tar Sands Reporting Project make a film:
Bill Weaver (pictured below) shot our extraordinary Kickstarter video above. Now, we want to take this Peabody award-winning filmmaker to where change really happens: in homes and at dinner tables across British Columbia.

It’s in this intimate setting where environmentalists, industrial workers, and ordinary people like you and me talk with each other about how we feel about the environment, the economy, our values our hopes, and our country's future.
Then, we'll take it back to the blockades, the corporate offices, the marches, the parties, and the gas pump -- where all of us put our talk into action.
With your help, we’ll produce and distribute a provocative film that will go beyond the issues, to the very DNA of change, and encourage constructive discussion across all points of view. It’s the only way we’re going to find the innovative solutions we so badly need.
For the next 15 days, we would so appreciate your energy and enthusiasm, your thoughts and ideas. Help us spread the word by posting this campaign on Facebook and Twitter. Join the discussion on the Vancouver Observer. And ask your friends to throw a few coins in the hat to help the Vancouver Observer touch people's hearts and minds by telling this drama of epoch proportions over one year.
Please help us continue our award-winning reporting by backing our Kickstarter campaign. Here's the link to the project.
Look who backed The Tar Sands Reporting Project!!!!

And here's our plan
Story-by-story, we'll illuminate the lives of workers in the tar sands, the love-hate relationship with industry on Canada's West Coast, the resistance by First Nations leaders, and the difficult relationship between activists and the industry.
We believe that stories can make all the difference in reaching peoples' hearts and minds.
And we hope that you believe this, too.
What this Kickstarter Will Do
This Kickstarter will give us the opportunity to go to the tar sands and along the route of proposed tar sands pipelines. It'll allow our team to: