Tzeporah Berman

Tzeporah Berman has been designing and managing successful environmental campaigns for nonprofits for the last eighteen years. She has played an instrumental role in designing environmental procurement policies for some of the largest corporations in the world as well as creating industry and environmental collaborations to protect forests and change forests practices. Having shifted her work to focus on energy challenges, Tzeporah is now the Co-director of Greenpeace International’s Climate and Energy Program. She is the former Executive Director and Co-founder of PowerUp Canada and Co-founder and Campaign Director of ForestEthics. Last year Tzeporah was appointed by the Premier of British Columbia, Canada to the Green Energy Task Force to design recommendations for the development of renewable energy in the region. Tzeporah was one of the experts in Leonardo Di Caprio’s environmental documentary 11th Hour, was one of six Canadian nominees for the Schwab Social Entrepreneur of the Year Award, has been profiled as “50 Visionaries Changing the World” in Utne Reader and was honored by inclusion into the BC Royal Museum permanent exhibit of “150 people who have changed the face of British Columbia.” Tzeporah was lauded as ‘Canada’s Queen of Green’ in the cover story for Readers Digest. She is represented by the Lavin Speakers Agency as well and Westwood Creative Artists. Tzeporah’s first book This Crazy Time: Living Our Environmental Challenge has just been published by Random House/Knopf Canada. Twitter/Tzeporah