David Smith
David Smith is a long time soccer (football) goalkeeper. He began playing soccer in 1966, when he moved to England. His first real experience with soccer was staying in an inn in Colchester, England watching England, (led by West Ham United’s Bobby Moore, Geoff Hurst and Martin Peters), win its first and only World Cup. That experience has made him (often to his embarrassment) a lifelong England and West Ham United fan. As a player, the highlight of his career was to tryout as a goalkeeper for the Canadian under 18 team. At 52, he is still playing, despite a hip replacement operation, and aspires to play in the World Masters Games. He is currently the VP of Boys soccer for Point Grey Soccer Club.
In his non soccer lives David is married to Ann Rowan and is the father of two great children. He has been involved in the non profit community for most of his life, particularly in environmental and peace movement advocacy organizations. He is a supporter of Vision Vancouver and the Director of Operations at the consulting and fundraising company Strategic Communications.