Pecha Kucha 13: Hanley talks with Wang, Calder, Bollwitt, Farr, Meadows & Steinberg
The Vogue Theatre was completely sold out for Pecha Kucha 13, despite the opening night of VIFF ( view site: )
Presenters at Pecha Kucha 13
Robert Calder - Owner of Secret Study/Boompa Records Amanda Gibbs - Director of Museum of Vancouver Mark Shieh - Founder & Director of Take Root Am Johal - Chair of Impact on Communities Coalition Susanne Tabata - Producer/ Director of Bloodied But Unbowed Victor Wang - Director/Curator of Here is Now/ Make Art History Myriam Steinberg - Artistic Director of In the House Festival Grant McDonagh - Owner of Zulu Records Connely Farr - Designer/ Songwriter/ Performer ( Mississippi Live & the Dirty Dirty ) Rebecca Bollwitt - Editor in Chief of Miss 604 Michael Lyons - VP Marketing & Sales of Smallworks Laneway Housing Brendan Meadows - Photographer of Brendan Meadows
I spoke with 8 of the 12 speakers: Robert Calder, Connely Farr, Victor Wang, Brendan Meadows, Rebecca Bollwitt, Myriam Steinberg, and did a joint interview with Grant McDonagh and Susanne Tabata. One of the interesting side notes of speaking with these presenters was that I learned so much about the person presenting before I saw their presentation.
Some presenters did best when on stage while others seemed more comfortable in a one-on-one situation. Twelve unique stories, 12 unique people, they were all inspiring.
Each presenter is allowed 20 images. Each image is shown for 20 seconds, giving each presenter exactly 6 minutes 40 seconds of fame before their time is up. This keeps presentations concise, fast-moving, and gives more people the chance to take the stage.
So now, consider grabbing a coffee or tea, and sit back and listen to the following 6 audio interviews. I started by talking with Robert Calder about his background, reasons for presenting at Pecha Kucha, and how he chose his photographic slides for the event. Robert is the Owner of Secret Study/Boompa Records.
- City
- Am Johal
- Amanda Gibbs
- Bloodied But Unbowed
- Brendan Meadows
- Brendan Meadows Photography
- Connely Farr
- Grant McDonagh
- Here is Now
- Impact on Communities Coalition
- In the House Festival
- Mark Shieh
- Michael Lyons
- Miss 604
- Mississippi Live & the Dirty Dirty
- Museum of Vancouver
- Myriam Steinberg
- Rebecca Bollwitt
- Robert Calder
- Secret Study
- Smallworks Laneway Housing
- Susanne Tabata
- Take Root
- Victor Wang
- Zulu Records