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1 metre of dirt burying proposed Enbridge pipeline beneath forest floor
Only 1 metre. Is that enough?
The Vancouver Observer’s in-depth coverage of the Enbridge pipeline hearings has captured the attention of readers far and wide.
Now we're putting together an e-book about it and we need your help.
The Enbridge pipeline e-book will feature work by:
- Carrie Saxifrage, editor
- Tzeporah Berman, introduction
- Alexis Stoymenoff, lead reporter
- + In-depth reporting by The Vancouver Observer as well as new material from invited guest writers.
We need $10,000 ASAP to publish by June 1 before the Northern Gateway pipeline hearings arrive in Vancouver.
British Columbia's coastline is at risk. Take action now.
If you'd like to help, you can send money via PayPal by clicking here.
Or send a cheque to:
"The Vancouver Observer"
1501-2628 Ash Street
Vancouver, B.C. V5Z4L2
"The Vancouver Observer"
1501-2628 Ash Street
Vancouver, B.C. V5Z4L2
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