Your numerology cycles October 1–15

October is a sneak preview of what to expect in the coming year—numerologically speaking, that is.
October is a little like a movie trailer highlighting the ups and downs of your emotional, spiritual and even physical destiny in the coming year. Pay attention to what happens in the external world: career, money, etc.
It’s important to watch your mood as well. This cycle month will give you an indication of what to expect in the next cycle year, which begins officially in January 2020.
– Cassandra
Calculate Your KEY Number
To find out what this month has in store for you, calculate your KEY number by adding the day and month of your birth. The KEY number is not your LIFE PATH number, it is the key to your cycle. Continue adding until you arrive at a single digit. For example, if your birthday is October 14, your KEY number is determined as follows: 10 + 14 = 24. Then 2 + 4 = 6, and you have the KEY number (6) that you will keep for life.
Key Number 1
This cycle months energy is meant to be a time of settling into autumn. For you, the energy is a bit chaotic and restless. A good time to take a break or to plan one.
Be as adventurous and flexible as possible whether you’re able to travel or not. Expect changes to crop like mushrooms in all parts of your life.
Rolling with changes and welcoming new perspectives is important and natural.
Watch for exciting social opportunities! This is a good time for making new friends and welcoming unexpected visitors.
Be careful not to scatter your energy too widely. If you become impatient to the point that you lose focus you will miss important opportunities to move forward.
You will probably be more appealing to the opposite sex than you have been for some time. Should your wardrobe reflect your inner risk taker? You decide.
Key Number 2
You’re in the perfect cycle month for settling into fall. The energy of this month is domestic and loves to be cozy at home.
This is also the cycle energy for dealing with relationships of all kinds. Can’t promise that it will be easy, but definitely intense. Love relationships can be a bit testy, and you can expect others to rely on you for wisdom in many areas of life.
You may have an irresistible urge to cook and clean and do things domestic. And, yes, contact your mother or any close family member you have been neglecting. This is a wonderful time for family feasts and get-togethers. Be dutiful, domestic, diplomatic in disagreements and generally a good house bunny.
Key Number 3
You will not be the life of the party under this slightly somber energy, but your inner life will call for attention—ignore that voice at your peril.
This is a powerful energy cycle for reflection, looking within and asking the questions: Who am I? Where am I going? And what do I want in my life from this time forward?
You will definitely feel cranky if you are crowded by family or friends. This is a time when you need space, and a time to enjoy your own company.
If you are going to speak, especially if giving advice, be sure to think it over very carefully before you begin to express. This is the cycle energy in which you are likely to be misunderstood. For the most part, it’s safer to fly under the radar.
Key Number 4
Although you may feel as if you’re absolutely in charge of your own life, it’s better to focus inward and not try to be the boss of everybody around you. This month cycle energy is a self-confident energy and you should use your personal power.
This is also a harvest energy and much of what turns up in your life will be the result of seeds you planted in your emotional life several months ago.
Money matters will rise to the top of the list of priorities. Pay attention to your bank balance as there may be a tendency to overspend. Spread your new ideas like a carpet all over your workplace or in your home. Solve all kinds of problems—you can do it—as this energy is perfect for problem-solving.
There continues to be a tendency for you to be more than a little bossy or in charge.