Your numerology cycles February 15–29
Calculate Your KEY Number
To find out what this month has in store for you, calculate your KEY number by adding the day and month of your birth. The KEY number is not your LIFE PATH number, it is the key to your cycle. Continue adding until you arrive at a single digit. For example, if your birthday is October 14, your KEY number is determined as follows: 10 + 14 = 24. Then 2 + 4 = 6, and you have the KEY number (6) that you will keep for life.
Key Number 1
Now that we are done with hearts and flowers for another year…
This cycle month’s energy is also about curiosity and expanding your mind. Whether you are wondering about micro-needling for beauty or why the geckos in Florida are falling out of the trees in the cold, this is the time to do research. It is a mind cycle energy.
It is also very much a time for nature: enjoying it. The days are getting longer, and in Vancouver at least, the first whiff of spring is in the air. Walking is a wonderful thing.
I took a course in Qi gong, and one of the most enjoyable parts was the part where the master took us outside to hug trees – but only after asking their permission. You may not be a tree hugger usually. But, you may get a great deal of pleasure from a quick embrace, under this cycle month’s energy.
Key Number 2
Think abundance!
Because this is such a powerful cycle month energy, it is necessary to concentrate on some positive thinking in order to reap its benefits.
It may be uncomfortable – or it may even seem unreasonable if you’re being financially challenged, but this energy will insist that you think abundance, adopt an attitude of abundance, but also to bring balance to the material world and the spiritual world.
It is a good time to work on developing a healthy attitude towards money, at the same time knowing that money and power do not define you.
So, balance is important.
If you usually struggle to make ends meet this cycle energy may bring opportunities, but it’s important for you to notice them.
If ever there was a karmic energy, this is the time it will manifest. The law of cause and effect is always in operation. Your integrity is very important. Don’t let anyone take your personal power away.
Key Number 3
Compassion and forgiveness.
If you’re not curious or if you’re afraid of change, this month can be a little on the emotional side. It’s important to get ready to adapt to change and to try to be courageous and optimistic when faced with the unknown. Get yourself ready to surrender to the coming change, forgive others and yourself, and accept and let go of what must go.
Get ready to move on. Expect the unexpected. This can be a busy time when you are challenged to look your life squarely in the face and decide what to keep and what to let go of.
Though it is very much a year of endings it’s also a year of rebirth and compensation. Sometimes you may be surprised at the gifts you have been hoping for appear.
Key Number 4
Embrace individuality. Take action.
This cycle month’s energy is about embracing your individuality and independence. Stand on your own two feet and march the beat of your own drum.
Be brave enough to do things your way rather than following anyone else’s pattern. If you are strong within yourself, you have a much better chance for success in all areas of your life.
If you are smart enough, you will have faith in your own judgement and intuition, and you will be proactive following through with any new ideas or even life-changing decisions you will make.
It may feel a bit strange. If you are a pussycat, but this energy may give you the kind of courage to make the decisions that will start you in a new direction.
While last month was very much about forgiveness and sweetness, this month—if it isn’t already clear—is a time to be a bit selfish, make yourself number one and do what is right for you.
On the physical side, this is the perfect time to create a new you. Check out your wardrobe, think about a new hairstyle or colour, do something to remind you when you look in the mirror that you are on a new path now.