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City Hall


City, BC Housing to partner on winter shelters for most vulnerable residents

The City of Vancouver and BC Housing are partnering to put in place up to four temporary homeless shelters this winter, as part of ongoing efforts to address homelessness and help vulnerable...

City: Vancouver passes laneway housing "milestone"

Vancouver has passed a key housing milestone with a total of over 1,000 new laneway housing permits now issued, building on the City’s work to enable new affordable housing options and create more...

Confusion surrounds the city's Regional Context Statement

On Tuesday, Vancouver city council voted to refer the Regional Context Statement Development Plan to a public hearing on June 11th. Following the public hearing, council will vote again on whether or...

City of Vancouver makes record investment in child care

A new report presented to City Council today outlined the largest increase in child care funding in the City’s history, as the 2012 budget surplus - $5 million – was invested into the Childcare...

Street homelessness declining in Vancouver, City says

A figure combs the alley of an underlit neighbourhood for bottles, spare change for a burger and retires in the safety of the night, in a warm spot on the sidewalk. This unfortunate scene brings the...

Vancouver city council talks Digital Strategy and snow removal

The regular Vancouver city council meeting of Tuesday, April 9, 2013 came to order at 9:36am.  Councillor Tony Tang gave the welcome and read a poem by A.E. Housman about cherry blossoms. He...

City council remembers Stompin' Tom Connors and votes on Chinatown development

The regular Vancouver city council meeting of March 12, 2013 came to order at 9:37 pm. Councillor Geoff Meggs gave the welcome and read Vancouver Poet Laureate Evelyn Lau’s poem “Living Under Plastic...

New Translink study strengthens the case for Broadway Subway to UBC

Is a subway the right investment for the UBC-Broadway Corridor? Yes, according to a recent study released by Translink, which provides new information supporting a subway as the rapid transit...

City council votes on fireworks and West End development

The regular Vancouver city council meeting of February 26, 2013 came to order at 9:35am. Councillor Andrea Reimer gave the welcome and began by acknowledging the Coast Salish peoples, whose unceded...

Vancouver city council gets report card on housing and homelessness

The regular meeting of the Vancouver city council meeting on February 12, 2013 came to order at 9:40am. Councillor Tim Stevenson gave the welcome. He outlined the history of Chinese-Canadians and...
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